Army Ranger Rick's Outdoor Survival Tips |
Here ya go folks, whether you know nothing or very little about survival. And or you just don't have the time and money to buy and read a "how-to" survival book from cover-to-cover. These few survival tips of mine will save you time in learning the really important stuff about survival without the repetitive BS you'll find on other sites. Better to know a few good survival skills than not to know any at all. Wouldn't you agree? You betcha, now read on. .
When Lost or Stranded
Determining Directions
Best & Worst Survival Kits
Survival Shelters
Survival Weapons
Survival Knives
Survival Saws
Filtering & Purifying Water
Fire Making Tips & Tricks
Zippos & Spark-lites
Signaling For Help
Catch & Spear Fish
S.A.R. Aircraft PZ/LZ
Cold Weather Tips
Hot Desert Tips
Wet Jungle Tips
Paracord & Knots
Military Compasses
Travel [Too] Light - Freeze At Night
Snaring Game
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Outdoor Survival Tips Learn to survive. |